
The Sewing Tree

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Next Step Garments

Body Double


Sensational Skirts

Fix, Fit and Flatter

Zip It Up!

The Perfect Blouse

Complete Window Series

New! Designer Pillows

Step Into Sewing

Private Lessons

Open Sew

Machine Overview

Get To Know Your Machine

Get To Know Your Serger

Serger Savvy

Vacation Sew Camp

Saturday Sew Camp

Summer Sewing

After School Program

Home School Programs

Design Camps

Prom Dress

T–Shirt Quilt

Quick to Quilt

Get to Know Your Embroidery Machine

Step Into Machine Embroidery

Anna Mazur

Astrida Schaeffer

Betty Lathrop

Gisele Pageotte

Michele O'Neil Kincaid

Diaper Tote

Iron Tote


Step Into Sewing Series

This is a multi-step series, with each step described in detail below.  Each step consists of 8 hours of instruction.

Step 1
Step 2
Step 3


The fee for each 8–hour step is $180.00 (Supplies included unless otherwise noted)


The Step Into Sewing classes are held in several different formats to help meet student needs.  All steps are based on an 8–hour class and the same material is covered in each of the the formats.  Your options include 1) Four weeks of 2–hour classes 2) Two weeks of 4–hour classes or 3) One all day class ranging from 6–8 hours depending upon number of students. 

Please refer to the schedule below for starting dates for the upcoming Step Into Sewing Series.  Instructor – Christine

Step Into Sewing Series – Step 1

This is an 8–hour course that will get you up and running.

We will explore the sewing machine and how it works, learn basic stitches, basic sewing techniques, and identify notions that you will need.

You will come away with the knowledge of how to run a machine and how to get started as well as completing several simple projects.

In order to best meet all our students needs, this series is taught on our school machines.  If you would like to learn on your personal machine, we recommend you sign up for Private or Semi-Private Lessons.

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Step Into Sewing Series – Step 2

This is an 8–hour course that is designed as a continuation of Step 1.

We will explore proper uses of different finishes, identify basic material classifications and learn different zipper techniques.

You will gain more confidence in you ability to use your machine and to make the correct choices when choosing and completing a project.

In order to best meet all our students needs, this series is taught on our school machines.  If you would like to learn on your personal machine, we recommend you sign up for Private or Semi-Private Lessons.

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Step Into Sewing Series – Step 3

This is an 8–hour course that will complete the Step Into Sewing Series.

In this course, we will delve further into uses of different materials, finishes and techniques, as well as how to read a pattern, so that you will be able to take your creativity to another level.

We will complete several projects and you will be required to do some "homework" sewing between classes.

By the end of this class, you will be able to take on a variety of projects confidently.

In order to best meet all our students needs, this series is taught on our school machines.  If you would like to learn on your personal machine, we recommend you sign up for Private or Semi-Private Lessons.

Please note additional supplies may need to be purchased for this step.


If you are interested in taking these classes, but our times don't fit the times you are available, please contact us so that we can find a time to fit your needs.

Step Into Sewing
Step 1

Four Tuesday Evenings (2–hour classes)

February 28th through March 21st
5:30pm – 7:30pm


Four Wednesday Evenings (2–hour classes)

March 8th through March 29th
5:30pm – 7:30pm


Step Into Sewing
Step 2

Four Tuesday Evenings (2–hour classes)

March 28th through April 18th
5:30pm – 7:30pm


Four Wednesday Evenings (2–hour classes)

April 5th through April 26th
5:30pm – 7:30pm


Step Into Sewing
Step 3

Four Tuesday Evenings (2–hour classes)

April 25th through May 16th
5:30pm – 7:30pm


Four Wednesday Evenings (2–hour classes)

May 3rd through May 24th
5:30pm – 7:30pm


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Providing sewing lessons and sewing classes for all ages and all skill levels to the Seacoast, NH area.  Please see our Classes menu for further details on each type of class offered.

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